Decode Expiration Dates

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AAVSO produced JD Calendars give the last four digits of the Julian Day for each day of every month for a year. Coldplay list of songs. The months January-June are on one page while July–December are on the second page. For the complete JD, add 2,450,000 to the four digit value given in the calendar for the Astronomical Day of your observation.

  1. How To Decode Expiration Dates On Canned Goods
  2. Decoding Expiration Dates On Food

How To Decode Expiration Dates On Canned Goods

As Arumugam writes, the government dates only on baby formula and some baby food. The rest of the dates came about voluntarily. She writes, 'In the 1930s, the magazine Consumer Reports argued that Americans increasingly looked to expiration dates as an indication of freshness and quality. Supermarkets responded and in the 1970s some chains implemented their own dating systems.'


One of the problem with the dates, says Arumugam, is the lack of consistency in the terms surrounding the dates. What's the difference between 'sell by,' 'best if used by' and 'use by'? Even though the F.D.A. Doesn't mandate the use of them, it does offer some to decoding the terms. None of them, not even the 'use by' date are considered safety dates. The food might not be at peak quality after the date, but it can still be eaten safely.

Decoding Expiration Dates On Food

Even the 'use by' dates on baby food are related to nutrient retention and texture rather than safety. I had always suspected that the printed expiration dates on food were more about protecting the companies than the consumers. But Arumugam writes that the dates don't even have any legal bearing. Last year, a judge the conviction of a man who relabeled more than a million bottles of salad dressing with a new 'best when purchased date.' This extended the shelf life of the product so he could continue to sell them. In the reversal, the judge said, “The term ‘expiration date’ on a food product has a generally understood meaning: it is the date after which you shouldn’t eat the product.