Imran Khan tied the knot with Bushra Wattoo in a private ceremony in Lahore. PTI released pictures of a smiling Khan, sitting beside his wife and her relatives. Second wedding: Imran.
The reports of Imran Khan and Reham Khan’s relationship started from a British newspaper but were soon talk of the town. Imran Khan’s fans insisted that he should have a proper ceremony. Celebrities and politicians from Pakistan and all around the world wished the couple good luck for their future. Reham Khan is presently working as an anchor person at Dawn News. The Nikkah ceremony took place in Imran Khan’s Bani Gala residence. Imran Khan also announced that there will be no Valima ceremony but instead the food will be distributed among needy and poor. Nasim Zehra who is a well known political analyst said that Imran Khan’s sister messaged her saying his family did not know that he was getting married today.
That did not stop Imran Khan’s sisters from expressing their love for him. See Exclusive: Imran Khan & Reham Khan Nikah/Marriage Pictures & Video.
LAHORE – Imran Khan has tied the knot with a woman he used to visit for spiritual guidance, the local media reported here on Sunday night. The party said the Nikkah was solemnised by Mufti Saeed in Lahore on Sunday (today). Wishing Chairman and his wife a happy married life. May Allah bless the couple. — PTI (@PTIofficial) The party issued pictures of Imran’s nikah with Bushra Maneka, in which close relatives of Bushra Bibi are seen. Saeed was also the Nikkah Khawan when Imran publicly entered into marriage with Reham Khan on January 8, 2015.