Redundant questions that have been previously answered will be removed. Do not message moderators for help with your issues. Either message the mod team if relevant, or make a post on the sub as normal. Browse by filters: Related Subreddits • • • • • • •. I'm trying to learn how to play piano but I like this program and don't wanna shell out 30 bucks for it. Is there a way to crack it without getting a virus? I've searched online but all the ways are just sketchy af youtube videos.
Edit: Hey guys, what I finally ended up doing was just running the crack from this video: It worked well and now I have all the features from the paid version. I don't think I got a virus or anything, but I did have malwarebytes and windows defender on like suggested!
Thanks for all the help! Check audiop2p for official releases. I just searched the name on there and found an older version. When I cracked it a few months ago I had simply found a few reputable older cracks, disconnected, and ram each. This sounds like a stupid method, but I've found it works the majority of the time, especially with a program like Synthesis where cracks aren't as common or updated.